Last-Minute Olio-Marinated Feta


When friends are making an impromptu afternoon drop-by, or if I’m running late to a neighborhood gathering and I need to “bring something,” this is the recipe I lean on again and again. It’s so basic, you can barely call it a recipe, but as the last bits of herby oily cheese are spooned onto a slice of crusty bread, somebody invariably asks me how to make it.


Fresh Feta, about a pound broken into a few pieces. I prefer creamy French feta, but any fresh feta works.

Peppery or Estate Olio, about one cup

Fresh thyme, a few sprigs

Fresh oregano, a few sprigs

Salt Flakes, black and pink peppercorns, coarsely ground


  1. Place feta and herbs into a small bowl or jar. (If I’m serving at home, I might use a bowl, but a jar is great for bringing to an event or the backyard.)

  2. Add olio, enough to cover the cheese. Add salt flakes and fresh coarsely ground black and pink pepper.

  3. Let cheese marinate for at least 20 minutes at room temperature; serve with crusty bread or crackers.

* This basic recipe is endlessly adaptable. You might add orange or lemon peel, sweet or spicy chilies, green garlic or ramps in the spring — any aromatic you’re into will probably be delicious.